Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Invisible Fences, and Adult ADHD

Imageby J. Russell Ramsay, PhD

WHEN TRAVELING THROUGH A RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD it is not uncommon to see tell-tale signs of “invisible fences” used to keep dogs within the boundaries of their owners’ property. Visual cues (such as flags) mark the border and a “correction sensation” (a mild shock, reportedly akin to a static shock) train a dog to stay in the yard or, more specifically, that crossing the marked boundary is associated with an aversive physical experience. Once sufficiently trained, a dog will likely not test the system, having learned that venturing too far results in discomfort. Hence, even if the system delivering the shock is dismantled, the dog will be bound to the yard by this lesson unless it has the chance to “unlearn” its original training.

The notion of the “invisible fence” often elicits smiles and a few jokes, but the training process is firmly grounded in behavioral principles. Learning by the associations and contingencies (both reinforcements and punishments) encountered in life is a powerful form of “training” that we all undergo. Along the way, we figure out the “rules” of the world as well as our personal attitudes and beliefs about ourselves based on our experiences and vicarious observations of the experiences of others.

For adults with ADHD, experiences in school, work, relationships, and the myriad life situations that require good self-control to manage are often associated with various degrees of frustration, confusion, or disappointment. What is more, these frustrations may be magnified by the external and objective consequences of ADHD, such as recurring fines for overdue bill payments, low grades at school or poor performance reviews at work, as well as criticisms expressed by others. When these sorts of setbacks occur in isolation, they can be viewed as one-off mistakes or misjudgments that do not diminish one’s self-image. However, someone with ADHD who experiences regular “shocks” and in a variety of life domains may find it harder to view them as being unconnected. An “invisible fence” of negative thoughts, pessimism, and eroded sense of self-worth may develop. Similar to the dog within the yard, individuals learn to avoid situations that are viewed as being ripe for disappointment and failure, thereby limiting one’s options. These outlooks may be even more cemented for individuals who were not aware of the effects of ADHD, therefore being left to conclude that their repeated difficulties in life are evidence of an inherent character flaw.

Impaired executive functions

None of this is to suggest that ADHD is the result of “poor training,” “poor parenting,” or that people “negatively think” their way into ADHD. ADHD is understood as a developmental disorder of impaired executive functions. Drawing on the work of Russell Barkley, PhD, executive functions can be thought of as those behaviors that people use to help themselves organize and follow through on a plan that will improve their overall well-being in the future in the absence of an immediate payoff or perhaps even incurring a relatively mild inconvenience in the short-term. Rather than setting up fences, the executive functions allow people to set up guideposts, directing them to stay on track for personally relevant goals, such as tasks as routine as paying a monthly bill on time to those as inspiring as completing an academic program. The ability to stay focused on and to complete long-term projects or to keep up with obligations is commonly viewed as evidence of “good character” and “being responsible.”

It has been well documented that ADHD is associated with impairments in most domains of adult life, which makes sense considering that executive functioning problems will interfere with the ability to efficiently manage many “adult responsibilities.” Consequently, it can be assumed that the “training” of many of these individuals was replete with many “shocks” and setbacks, such as academic difficulties (sometimes bordering on being experienced as “traumatic”), repeated criticisms from others, and simply working harder than others to manage the typical demands of life—often with less productive outcomes despite the effort. Consequently, it is easy to see how individuals with ADHD arrive at the conclusion that their difficulties reflect a “character flaw” or “laziness” rather than being characteristics of a serious (though treatable) neurodevelopmental syndrome.

Although not a causal factor in the onset of ADHD, focusing on these negative outlooks and attitudes is an important component in the treatment for adult ADHD, particularly in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT is a form of psychotherapy originally developed as a psychosocial treatment for depression. Although the CBT model emphasizes the interplay of cognitions (i.e., thoughts, beliefs, images), emotions, and behaviors, the focus on the cognitions, or the interpretation of an event, serves as a useful entry point into an individual’s experience and as a first step in promoting change.

So, if ADHD is not the result of negative thinking, what is the importance of focusing on these thoughts in treatment? It is true that it is the “B” in CBT—behavioral change—that is the primary emphasis in the treatment of adult ADHD. The aim of various CBT-related treatment approaches for adult ADHD is to help individuals consistently implement skills and strategies to improve time management, organization, and planning and follow-through on tasks, as a means to compensate for executive functioning deficits in these areas. The specific coping strategies are usually familiar to individuals with ADHD, but the target of CBT is the consistent implementation of the strategies in daily life.

A common barrier to follow-through on coping strategies comes in the form of negative thoughts. For example, instituting a daily planner is a common first step in most CBT approaches for adult ADHD. However, this suggestion is often met with reactions, such as, “I’ve tried this before and it does not work for me,” “I put things in my cell phone but I still miss meetings,” or “I do not want to have to write down every single thing I have to do,” with each of these thoughts reducing the likelihood of using a planner. Further exploration of the basis for these thoughts or the “evidence” for these conclusions may reveal that, rather than a planner “not working,” the person often forgot to bring or misplaced the planner. Likewise, it turned out that the person who entered scheduled meetings in her cell phone did not did not use the alarm feature or regularly review her schedule each day for reminders—having the appointment in the cell phone that is in the pocket is the same as having the treadmill in the basement while the owner is upstairs. Finally, the person who was resistant to writing things down described feeling embarrassed to do so, concerned that he would appear “stupid” to others if he needed to record detailed reminders. Hence, his automatic reaction to an otherwise effective coping task was that, not only would it not work, it would result in his all too familiar experience of being “different” and “inadequate.”

As can be seen above, distorted negative thoughts can interfere with coping if not identified and challenged. This is not to say that positive thinking is the answer—gamblers represent a group of extremely positive thinkers. In fact, an excessive “positive bias” may be an issue for many individuals with ADHD insofar as it might undermine steps individuals can take to manage situations (for example, “It will all work out for the best, somehow”). The goal is to be able to recognize and assess automatic thoughts and conclusions in order to achieve balanced thinking.

Emotional regulation

The earlier example of the man worried about appearing “inadequate” when using a planner illustrates another benefit of paying attention to cognitions: managing emotions. One of the lesser appreciated executive functions and, therefore, a lesser appreciated aspect of ADHD, is the role of emotional regulation. Although the reported cognition related to using a planner focused on the notion that the individual would come across to others as incompetent, this reaction was associated with the emotional responses of embarrassment, low level anxiety, and shame. It is increasingly recognized that individuals with ADHD have greater difficulties effectively managing the typical emotional reactions encountered in day-to-day life. Thus, relatively minor frustrations will be more disruptive to an individual with ADHD, resulting in greater inward demoralization or outward expressions of emotions, often followed minutes later with the rhetorical question, “Why did I let that upset me so much?” On the other hand, there may be difficulties encountered with unbridled optimism or impulsive compliance that can lead to over-commitment at work or in one’s personal life (“Sure, I would love to organize that committee!”).

A focus on cognitions is a useful starting point to help individuals identify and disentangle their emotional reactions from the complex and rapid cascade of events, reactions, and predispositions that influence one’s experiences. In some situations there may not be reactive thoughts that are viewed as the culprit, such as in cases of impulsivity—defined as acting without forethought. Even so, adults with ADHD can learn to recognize their “risk factors” for impulsivity and make decisions and preparations that may pre-empt later frustrations (for example, “The line at the coffee shop is always long and slow moving first thing in the morning. Rather than setting myself up to be frustrated, I will go to the office first to arrive on time and will get coffee a little later.”).

Emotional management also involves “motivation.” Using the executive function view of ADHD, motivation is the ability to generate emotions about a task that promote follow-through. This definition provides the answer to the rhetorical question asked by most adults with ADHD: “Why do I always wait until the last minute to get things done?” In addition to having difficulties generating emotions that help someone with ADHD to engage in a task, there are likely many “barrier thoughts” that dampen the likelihood of activation (for example, “This is going to be difficult. I’m not good at this. It is pointless to even start.”). Again, these thoughts may be rooted in past frustrations. The insidious nature of negative thoughts is that they reactivate negative emotions, often leading to procrastination or other maladaptive patterns that end up seemingly reinforcing the negative thoughts, akin to a self-fulfilling prophecy. What is worse, with enough repetitions, these frustrating experiences and cognitions fuse into overarching negative core beliefs about oneself that create the ultimate invisible fence, leading individuals to give up on attempting reasonable pursuits in their lives.

Distorted thoughts

Although the specific negative thoughts reported by adults with ADHD have not been studied in a systematic way, clinicians may observe some consistent themes. The specific categories may overlap insofar as different distorted thoughts may share some characteristics, but it can be beneficial to identify how thoughts can go askew. The following distorted thoughts represent some of the common issues that are relevant for the treatment of adult ADHD.

Comparative thinking. There is a natural human tendency to use comparisons with others as a means for judging one’s standing on a particular attribute, such as height, athletic or musical skill, or proclivity for an academic subject. However, taken too far, these sorts of comparisons may be used as an unfair and inherently biased measure of one’s self-worth. What is more, comparisons with others may interfere with one’s enjoyment of an activity (e.g., “History was not my best subject in school but I enjoy reading about it.”).

As was noted earlier, adults with ADHD have greater difficulties related to the executive functions and will likely require extra and/or different steps than their non-ADHD peers to cope with matters, such as time management; hence the consistent use of a daily planner is strongly recommended as a foundational coping step. However, if the adult with ADHD has the thought, “I do not see my co-workers carrying around their planners everywhere and referring to them throughout the day. I should be able to cope the way my peers do,” he is less likely to use it. There is likely the unspoken concern about appearing different and, more specifically, “flawed.” The individual may be so self-conscious about using the planner that he does not notice how diligently his colleagues actually use some sort of organizational system, not to mention the fact that whole aisles in office supply stores are devoted to paper and electronic planning systems, indicating their widespread use. The final consideration is whether the coping skill will make life easier for the individual.

Overgeneralization. The distorted thought of “overgeneralization” involves taking a single mistake and blowing its significance out of proportion. It does not mean that a mistake did not occur; rather, an individual’s reaction takes a problem and amplifies it into evidence of a major character flaw. For example, a woman with ADHD forgot to pay her credit card bill and received (yet another) late fee. Her disappointment at this mistake was understandable and her initial thought, “I messed up again and lost track of this bill,” was not distorted. However, her reaction to this setback mushroomed into conclusions that she is incompetent to handle the demands of life, has no hope for a stable career, and should abandon hope of ever being able to be a desirable partner in a relationship. What is more, she also skipped her exercise plan and was unable to focus on running some errands for herself, thereby increasing her task load for the next day. There was certainly the issue of disorganization around paying bills that needed to be addressed. However, her reaction was out of proportion to the problem itself.

Magnification/Minimization. This distortion tandem often contributes to procrastination and other difficulties with follow-through on challenging tasks, particularly those that require sustained effort across several work blocks, such as writing a paper for school, doing a project for work, home improvement task, etc. When planning to work on the task, the difficulty of the task is “magnified” (e.g., “This is going to be hard. I’m going to have to spend all day on this. I really have to be in the right mood to work on this. This will take a long time to figure out.”) as are, consequently, negative emotions associated with the task. However, the consequences for delaying the task are minimized in the form of rationalizations for avoidance (e.g., “I have plenty of time to work on this. I’ll wait until I am in the mood to work on it. I work best at the last minute.”). What also is minimized are the positive qualities of the individual and adaptive possibilities that increase the likelihood of success (e.g., “I usually get into the project after I get started. I can get a lot done in an hour and still have the rest of the day for other things. It will feel good to make some headway.”). A common scenario is that the task is completed under the duress of a looming deadline or, in the case of a project without an external deadline, it simply gets put off—again.

Changing negative attitudes

Changing negative attitudes is hard work because these sorts of distorted thoughts and beliefs are often the end result of a lifetime’s worth of frustrations and heartache stemming from undiagnosed or untreated ADHD. Moreover, the “evidence” in one’s life on which these negative outlooks are based may seem incontrovertible, though this evidence often does not support the magnitude of conclusions that are reached and may ignore evidence of good coping. However, these negative conclusions can feel as though they represent an open-and-shut case made by an unrelenting prosecuting attorney.

To catch these attitudes in action requires people to ask themselves, “What thoughts are going through my mind?” The evidence for the negative thoughts must be considered through the eyes of an assiduous “defense attorney” whose job is to ensure that your rights and well-being are protected. The following questions can help to develop more constructive outlooks:
Image If my best friend (particularly one with ADHD) had this thought, would I hold him or her to the same standards to which I am holding myself? How would I advise her/him?
Image On what evidence am I basing my thoughts? How would my defense attorney defend me and then make a case in my favor?
Image Is there another way to look at things? Am I ignoring any information? What could be the effect of changing my attitude?
Image Can I accept a degree of imperfection and discomfort in order to take steps to better manage ADHD? Do tasks usually end up being as bad as I think they will be?
Image What steps can I take to change my situation? What is the smallest first step to which I can commit? What are the skills that I possess that I may be underestimating?

In conclusion, CBT is not the power of positive thinking. It is a psychosocial treatment that helps adults with ADHD to have more balanced thinking in order to be more resilient and consistent in their use of effective coping skills. Although the primary source of change comes through the felt experience of making behavior changes and seeing positive results, being able to develop more constructive outlooks can help adults with ADHD take steps outside the invisible fences of their past experiences and explore new fields of opportunities.

J. Russell Ramsay, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and associate professor of clinical psychology in psychiatry at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the codirector of PENN’s Adult ADHD Treatment and Research Program. He is the coauthor of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adult ADHD: An Integrative Psychosocial and Medical Approach (Routledge, 2007) and the author of Nonmedication Treatments for Adult ADHD (American Psychological Association, 2010). He serves on the professional advisory board of the Bucks County, Pennsylvania chapter of CHADD.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year-New Calendar

ImageAn annual tradition that helps get you on the planning track

by Karen Sampson Hoffman, MA

ALONG WITH SHOPPING FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS(eight children call me aunt and one toy store awaits my mad dash), I hunt for two calendars every year. One will become my sister’s family notebook, where she keeps track of everyone’s schedules and events, and one will be a pocket calendar for me. Without them we wouldn’t be able to keep track of the routines, events, and holidays in our very busy lives. It just wouldn’t be New Year’s without the New Calendar.

In homes affected by AD/HD, planning takes conscious effort. More so for long-range planning, which is what most of us do as we approach the new year. Getting our calendars ready is important. Finding a calendar early is vital, since they disappear from stores sometime in early January.

Planning for the year

There are rhythms in routines. The rhythm of the year goes into the calendar first. If you find a calendar with holidays already marked, you’re ahead of the game. Mark the dates of public and religious holidays, along with family holidays and neighborhood or school events. Next make sure to add birthdays, followed by anniversaries. If you know vacation schedules, put them in now. This is the time to make reservations for family trips or to schedule time in the coming months to do so.

For those who have children affected by AD/HD, now is the time to make plans for your child to attend specialized summer camps or programs:
Start early in finding and applying to camps. Programs fill up quickly and scholarships may be limited.
Review your options. There are many styles of camps, from day camps to overnight adventures camps, to one s that focus on academic, arts and social skills.
Evaluate your child’s strengths, weakness and desires.
Talk with your child about possible programs. You may want to select three programs you are comfortable with and allow your child to choose from among those.

An article on savvy tips for selecting camps for children with AD/HD appeared in December 2007 Attention, and is available to CHADD members at in the Attention archives. The National Resource Center on AD/HD (, a program of CHADD, also has a resource on camps.

Planning by the month

For each month, consider which events will require additional pre-planning. The goal is always to take large projects and break them into smaller “bites.” Perhaps your family celebrates Easter; one weekend could be Chocolate Bunny Day for making candies and a separate weekend will be Spring Cleaning. The same can be done for other holidays.

Most organizations keep members informed through e-mail newsletters. When the monthly or weekly announcements arrive, jot them on your calendar right away. Get information in the calendar as soon as it comes your way and you’ll be better able to plan.

Planning by the week

Some calendars allow you to view one week at a time; or, you can draw up weekly calendars to keep on your desk or the refrigerator. Decide which day is your Day 1 or the start of your week. On Day 1 check your calendar for all events, holidays and projects. Prepare a to-do list and keep it with your calendar for easy reference. Many people find it helpful to cross off accomplished tasks or to draw through a day once it’s ended.

Smart planning

• December or January—Mark all holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and vacations. Find summer camps, programs, or holiday destinations.
• February—Begin discussions with family and friends about where to celebrate holidays or take vacations during the year.
• March and April—Review and revise your calendar.
• May and June—Prepare for summer; make arrangements at work for vacation time off. Finalize summer plans for children.
• July—Mid-year review of the calendar.
• August—School shopping, late summer sales for business clothes and start finalizing plans for the holidays.
• September and October—Start budgeting for holiday gifts and home repairs before winter.
• November—The holiday season has begun. Break holiday projects into “bites.”
• December—Finish holiday shopping. Make the holidays work for you by delegating and keeping projects manageable.

And December’s most important task: Find a new calendar for the coming year!

Karen Sampson Hoffman, MA, writes from Hanover, Maryland.

This article originally appeared in the December 2008 issue of Attentionmagazine. Copyright © 2008 by Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Struggling with friendships and ADHD?

Friendship Boosters for Adults with ADHD

Imageby Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA

ADHD IS DEFINITELY NOT an invisible condition. It may not always be obvious why people with ADHD do the things that they do, but there won’t be much doubt about what they do. Therefore, part of managing your ADHD involves managing how you relate to other people.

Although we all make the occasional social blunder, most people are pretty forgiving if it doesn’t happen too often. However, those with ADHD tend to use up their free passes too quickly, causing others to make deeper assumptions about their character. As a result, people with ADHD can be seen as irresponsible, self-centered, or rude, even though they’re really not (or at least not any more than anyone else!).

As in other parts of their lives, adults with ADHD know what they should and shouldn’t do but have trouble sticking with that plan. They know they should pay attention to people and remember what they are told, but they find their attention wandering. Or they interrupt people for fear of forgetting their comment before the other person stops talking. They too frequently put their foot in their mouth. They may express both positive and negative emotions strongly, which can overwhelm some people. They may also miss the nonverbal cues that are so important in social interactions or run late too often.

It’s important to remember that when it comes to improving your relationships and friendships, you don’t need to strive for perfection. Often, some partial improvements are enough to make things much better and create a situation where your positive qualities outweigh the negative feelings the other person has about your ADHD-based behaviors.

Real-life friendships have suffered in our cyber-driven world, yet they are just as important as ever. Adults with ADHD need good friends too. Supportive relationships have an important protective effect for both our mental health as well as our physical health. Let’s talk about how to boost that benefit.

Know yourself.

In order to be able to manage your relationships effectively, you first need to know yourself and what you want. What do you expect from your friends? What are you willing to give in friendships? With what sorts of people do you get along best? What sorts of people get along best with you? What are you willing to be flexible about and what won’t you budge on? These answers will make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Find good friends.

It’s much easier to be a good friend if you start with people who are good friendship material; that is, people who are a good fit for you. They appreciate your good qualities and are willing to overlook or at least tolerate the things about you that they don’t appreciate—and vice versa. Sometimes we stay with the same friends out of habit, even though we may have outgrown them. Or perhaps they were never really great friends to begin with, but they were there, so we kept them.

Because of prior social difficulties, some adults with ADHD will settle for friends who don’t treat them very well or who make them the butt of too many jokes or negative comments. Even though it isn’t always fun, they tolerate it because it’s familiar and at least they can keep the friendship. Although I understand how this can develop, I would hope for better for them. So it may be worth thinking about the dynamics in some of your friendships. Are you treated with respect and fairness? If not, it may be worth politely pointing it out and asking for a change. If ADHD-related behaviors have made you the easy target in the group, then working on your ADHD gives you much more credibility to ask to be treated better. Of course, your friends have the right to continue doing what they do, but you also have the right to find other friends.

If you feel like you need some new friends, the easiest way to find them is to look around at the people that you already know as acquaintances. Are any of them possibilities to be promoted up to friend status? You can also put yourself into situations where you can meet some new people. Your local CHADD chapter is one obvious place, but look for situations where people gather. You may need to try a number of things before you encounter someone that you click with. You probably will also have to try a few times before anything comes of it. Don’t take rejection personally—not everyone is interested in making new friends, so it isn’t anything about you.

Of course, if you’re one of those folks who get bored with people after a while, you’re more likely to hang in there if you start with interesting people. It’s fine to have multiple shorter friendships, but it’s helpful to have at least some longer ones.

Consider disclosure carefully.

I’m often asked by clients and audience members at presentations about whether someone should tell friends about having ADHD. There are no right or wrong answers, since it depends on the circumstances, the openness of the person with ADHD, and the trustworthiness of the other person. My hope is just that the decision to tell someone is well thought-out, rather than impulsive or based on what turn out to be shaky assumptions. To read more about this topic, see my article, “To Tell or Not to Tell,” in the April 2009 issue of Attention.

ImageManage expectations.

Since we can’t see inside other people’s heads, we have to make the best guesses we can based on what we see. This leaves a lot of room for error, especially because we all tend to assume that other people do things the same way we do. Undiagnosed and untreated ADHD very much lends itself to this kind of misinterpretation. I sometimes say that ADHD is a disorder of actualizing good intentions or of turning your intentions reliably into actions. Therefore, you may need to work a little bit harder to ensure that people are clear about your intentions, especially when your actions might suggest otherwise.

When you can, it’s even better to set things up ahead of time, before anyone gets the wrong idea. This is where expectation management comes in—that is, actively managing the expectations that other people have of you, telling them what they should and shouldn’t expect you to do. Because ADHD affects an adult’s ability to consistently do what others expect, expectation management is an especially important skill to develop.

For example, if you tend to run late, you may want to tell a new friend, “I’m really bad at getting places on time. I try to, but I still tend to run late a lot more than I would like. So if I’m late getting to the restaurant, just call me and I’ll tell you when I’ll get there. Better yet, call me before you leave to make sure that I’m not running too far behind. If I’m really late, order an appetizer and it’s on me.” This way the friend doesn’t expect you to be on time and then get resentful when you’re not.

This doesn’t mean that you get a free pass whenever you tell someone that you’re not good at something. Most people probably won’t go for that one-sided arrangement. Rather, expectation management has the goal of preventing bad feelings, misinterpretations, and resentment.

We all make our own choices in life. It isn’t your job to be perfect for anyone or to make choices for others. However, by being clear about what you do and what the other person can do in response, you are both in a better position to be happy in the friendship.

Be open to fair criticism.

Friendships should have more good moments than bad, but conflict, anger, frustration, and disappointment are an inherent part of relationships. So the challenge is to find a way to deal with these other emotions in a manner that doesn’t interfere too much with enjoying the good parts of the relationship.

If your goal is to have a strong friendship that lasts over time, then you need to be able to be honest with each other. This means not just the good news, compliments, and things that you agree on, but also the bad news, criticisms, and disagreements. You may not always like what you hear, but it may be good to hear it.

We all blow it sometimes. If you have ADHD, especially if untreated, it probably feels as if you blow it a lot more than you wish. Fortunately, treatment can improve your batting average. For those other times, the ability to give a good apology is a great skill to have. When you need to mend fences, remember to take the following steps:

Image Admit what you did wrong, even if it wasn’t your intention.
Image Recognize the impact on the other person.
Image Say what you will (try to) do differently in the future.
Image Make amends, if necessary.

You may not have complete control over your ability to do all the right things at the right times, but you do have the ability to fix things afterward. Remember that the hallmark of a good friendship is resilience—the ability to rebound from trouble spots. We’re judged only partly by our actions, but mostly by our intentions—a good apology may not change the action, but it can reveal the intention.

Ari Tuckman’s session on disclosure at the 2010 CHADD conference, To Tell or Not to Tell, is available for purchase through Read more about the topic of disclosure in the April 2009 issue of Attention, available in the Attention Archives at

A clinical psychologist based in West Chester, Pennsylvania, Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA, specializes in diagnosing and treating children, teens, and adults with ADHD. He is the vice president of the Attention Deficit Disorder Association. Tuckman is the author of More Attention, Less Deficit: Success Strategies for Adults with ADHD (Specialty Press, 2009) and Integrative Treatment for Adult ADHD (New Harbinger, 2007).

This and other articles can be found at