Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What is iLs?

What is iLs?

iLs is a multi-sensory program for improving brain function. It is an enjoyable activity, or “exercise,” which can be customized for all ages and skill levels for implementation in clinic, school or home.

Who Can Benefit:

iLs has a global effect on the brain and central nervous system, influencing the following systems: balance, visual, auditory, motor, coordination, behavior and emotional regulation. As a result, it is successfully implemented for a wide variety of conditions:

iLs Interactive Language Program

iLs Interactive Language Program

Young man using iLs

iLs combines auditory, visual and balance games

Girl using iLs

iLs auditory component can be used independently

Based on clinically proven outcomes, iLs programs strengthen existing pathways and create new neural connections/pathways in the brain (“neuroplasticity”). As these neurological connections grow stronger, language skills and emotional/psychological functions, such as self-confidence and regulation, also tend to improve.

The improvements in brain function are based on the premise that our higher brain functions – the “cortical functions” such as language, cognitive skills, socialization – rely and depend upon how well sensory input is received and processed as it enters the central nervous system and is relayed to the upper brain. iLs improves processing at both the sub-cortical and cortical levels.

For more detail on how iLs works, please see the brief interview clips below as well as Research & Science, Clinician, Educator and Parent pages.

iLs Programs

Expanding upon the psychoacoustic techniques originally developed in Europe and refined over the past 20 years in the U.S. by iLs’ management, iLs programs add a new, multi-sensory element by combining auditory stimulation with balance, movement and visual motor activities.

The design of iLs programs is based around the listening component. Each product has a specific listening schedule, into which the balance and visual activities are included. These “integrating” activities comprise 15-20 minutes of each listening session, and are explained in a Playbook which accompanies each product.

iLs Program Structure

iLs clinic programs are typically 20-40 sessions in length, with a frequency of 3 or more sessions per week. Each session is 60-80 minutes long, with 15-20 minutes allotted for the integration activities. The balance of each session is spent doing creative and/or relaxing activities such as drawing, puzzles, fine-motor games, or just relaxing in a comfortable chair.

iLs school programs are typically 40-60 sessions in length, with each listening session being 60 minutes. A school program is typically completed over a 3-month period.

iLs home programs are designed to be flexible; listening sessions can be either 30 or 60 minutes in length. The entire program is typically completed over a 3-month period.

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