Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tips for Better Sleep


The following are strategies for getting a good night’s sleep:

  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule- try to stick to a set bed and wake-time; this will help train your body to know when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up.  Additionally, establishing a consistent bedtime helps ensure that we get enough sleep to rejuvenate our bodies and minds.

  • Follow a relaxing bedtime routine- many people do this by taking hot baths, meditating, practicing deep breathing exercises or listening to soothing music.  Having a regular relaxing bedtime routine will help cue the body that it is almost time to sleep.

  • Use your bedroom for sleep and sleep alone- Train your body to expect to sleep when it is in the bedroom.  When I lived in an apartment, I use to do everything from eating and exercising to watching TV and internet shopping in my bedroom; such activities hinder the body from establishing the expectation of sleep while in the bedroom.  Using the bedroom for sleep alone also helps minimize distractions (e.g. TV, computer) that often prevent us from going to sleep at a set time.

  • Avoid caffeine and other sugary foods or drinks before bedtime- these are more likely to keep you up at night than promote restful sleep.

  • Exercise- not only does exercise promote good health, it also helps tire the body in preparation for restful sleep.  However, since it often takes the body several hours to wind down from a strenuous workout, avoid exercising in the late afternoon or right before bed.

  • Don’t let thoughts about the day (or the next) crowd your mind- many of our patients report having racing thoughts, though they are trying to go to sleep; others wake up in the middle of the night, start thinking or planning and can’t go back to sleep.  Keep a pen and notepad at your bedside to record any lists, thoughts etc. that you just can’t get out of you head.  After you write them down, leave them for tomorrow- this way, your thoughts from the night before won’t be lost forever, but they won’t preclude you from going to sleep.

  • Create a restful sleep environment- make sure your bedroom is conducive to good sleep.  You should have a comfortable pillow and mattress (not that raggedy old thing handed down from your grandmother) and cozy blankets.  Many people find it easier to sleep in total darkness; closing your bedroom door and window blinds will help achieve a darker environment.  Even something simple as adjusting the thermostat to a more comfortable setting promotes more restful sleep.

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